Daily Auction Lobby

What is the Auction Lobby ?

The Daily Auction lobby is the main way users can acquire TORR. Each day a set number of TORR tokens will be auctioned, this number starts at 100,000 TORR and is reduced by 0.5% each day. The lobby will run for a total of 120 days, with a total of ~ 9,040,274 TORR being minted.

To participate users can connect to infinitorr.io with their MetaMask wallets where they can spend BTT tokens and in return receive TORR tokens proportional to their contribution to that day's lobby. The more you deposit for the day, the larger your share.

NOTE: The ratio of BTT to TORR will change with each new day. Predicting future days minting ratios is possible and advised when making an informed decision before entering the lobby. Also note the minting ratio will change over the course of the day, even after you have made a BTT deposit.

WARNING! Any BTT deposited to the Auction Lobby is “NOT” refundable. The lobby contract is immutable, no transaction can be revered. Please make an informed decision as the InfiniTORR Team can “NOT” do anything to help.

How to participate in the Auction Lobby

Below is a quick step by step guide to getting connected to and participating in the Daily Auction Lobby. If any changes occur regarding the method described below, the InfiniTORR Team will update this document accordingly.

Configure Metamask - [New User Guide]

  • Download and create a MetaMask account.

  • Configure your settings to the BTTC network.

  • Connect to the network.

Enter the Auction Lobby - [Detailed Guide]

  • Navigate to the InfiniTORR Auction Lobby page.

  • Sign the MetaMask transaction to connect to your wallet.

  • Click the "Enter" button and submit the amount of BTT you want to deposit.

  • Confirm the transaction from MetaMask and check for confirmation. (A Notification will pop up)

Collect your TORR Tokens - [Detailed Guide]

  • Wait for the Lobby timer to end for the day.

  • After the timer ends wait for the "Claim" button to show, click this button and sign the MetaMask transaction. (A Notification will pop up)

  • Your new TORR tokens should reflect in your wallet.

  • You can view your available balance of TORR in your wallet via MetaMask or you can check the staking page to see your available TORR you can stake.

Make sure to use a Referral link to get the most TORR each day, both you and your referee get a bonus. There's no reason not to use a Ref link. - Referral System

Breakdown of Auction Lobby BTT Funds

After each Auction Lobby Day ends and the lobby timer resets, all BTT funds collected that day are split and distributed to the following places.

NOTE: On the first day of the Auction Lobby, when no one has any TORR to stake. The BTT raised will be used to fuel the vault on day 2. 80% of the funds raised will be sent to The Vault, 20% will be used for the development of the InfiniTORR project.

How much is minted each day?

The Auction Lobby starts at 100,000 TORR per day and every day after it will be reduced 0.5%. On day 120 the Auction Lobby will mint approximately ~ 55,000 TORR. As shown below, the earlier you enter the Auction Lobby, the more TORR there is available for distribution. After day 120 the Auction Lobby will close and no new TORR will be minted, thus marking the end of Distribution Phase 1 (The Daily Auction Lobby).

Last updated