Loaning BTT

How to loan your BTT

Any user can participate in providing BTT funds to those who wish to get an advance on their Stake dividends. There are no requirements on the providers behalf for eligibility to loan BTT to others. Users will only have to pick the best interest rate and loan principle to suit their needs.

To provide a BTT loan follow these simple steps below;

1. Navigate to the lending Tab on

2. Locate the "Loans Available for Purchase" panel at the top of the page on both desktop and mobile devices.

3. Here you will see all available loan requests currently not filled along with their details such as the duration of the loan, the return on the loan and of course the loan amount being asked.

4. To loan your BTT, find the right offer you wish to fill and click the "Lend XXXX BTT" button. Sign the metamask transaction that pops up (this shows the tx fee [gas fee] and total cost of the tx).

5. After waiting for the transaction to finalize, you will see the loan you selected disappear. You can find the current progress of this new loan under the "Loan actions" panel at the bottom of the page. Click the "Active Loans" tab to see your current active loans.

Now we wait. After the duration of the Loan has finished, either user involved can navigate to the "action" column and finalize the loan by clicking the button provided. This will then close the loan and the lender will receive their BTT + interest direct to their wallets.

Last updated