The Vault

Another TORR Staking pool - The Vault

Every day the Auction Lobby will send 14% of Lobby entries to the Vault Investment Fund. The Investment Fund is then used to participate in external Dapps such as Staking, farming or even governance. All profits made are fed to the Vault Dividends Pool to be distributed to all users who Stake TORR in the Vault.

NOTE: On day one 80% of BTT that enters the auction this day, will be sent to The Vault. This will be the seeding fund for the vault's investments fund.

The Vault Investment Fund will also receive multiple sources of income during and after the Auction Lobby concludes, this includes such things as; Fee’s from InfiniTORR Dapps, Promotional drops to the vault and even potential partnerships in the future. In turn this will increase profit output to the Dividends pool, which means more divs for those who stake.

Last updated