Canceling a Stake

Having second thoughts ? - Cancel your Stake

If you wish to end your stake early, you can cancel it and receive 90% of the accumulated BTT Dividends. You’ll lose any TORR Staking bonus you may have accumulated along with a penalty of 10% to your initial Staking capital, for cancelling your stake early.

NOTE: The 10% BTT Dividends from cancelling early, is all sent to the Vault. The 10% TORR penalty is all burnt. You can only Cancel a Stake the day after your Stake starts or one day before your Stake ends.

How to Cancel your Stake - A step by step guide

1. Navigate to the Staking Tab on and click the "Stake TORR" tab.

2. Here you will see a list of all your current stakes. Beside each stake you will see a handful of buttons with different labels. Locate the "Cancel Stake" button and give it a click.

3. When clicked a pop-up window will display with a quick reminder explaining what Cancelling a Stake early will do. At the end of this message, you will be informed the number of TORR and BTT you will receive if you follow through with Cancelling your stake.

4. If you are 100% sure you want to cancel a Stake, then proceed to click the "Yes, Cancel it" button and sign the metamask transaction that pops up (this shows the tx fee [gas fee] and total cost of the tx).

5. Wait for the transaction to finalize. After you'll see your Stakes has been cancelled. Your TORR and BTT should reflect in your wallet.

Will you re stake your TORR ? was it a simple miss calculation in stake duration that needed correcting? Whatever the reason, InfiniTORR gives you the flexibility to make the call. Just be mindful of the fees.

Last updated