Staking Explained

Got spare TORR ? Stake it to The Vault

Vault dividends are distributed at a set rate of 1% per day of the total BTT in the pool. You will earn a share of this drop each day based on your share of TORR staked in the vault.

At any time, you may also Harvest your BTT dividends simply by clicking the “Harvest” button. There is a 3% fee on all TORR deposits and withdrawals. This TORR is BURNT.

A step-by-step Guide to Staking

Once you have some TORR you can head over to the Vault tab and stake your TORR. This is done in the following way;

1. Navigate to the Vault Tab on

2. Locate the "Enter the Vault" panel to the right of the screen on desktop or down the page on mobile devices.

3. Here you will see your "Available TORR to Stake" this is all the TORR you have in your wallet.

4. To stake, simply enter in the number of TORR you'd like to stake in the field provided

5. Now click the "Stake" button and sign the metamask transaction that pops up (this shows the tx fee [gas fee] and total cost of the tx).

7. After waiting for the transaction to finalize, you will see your new stake listed in the "my stats" panel. This panel also shows your total share of stake TORR in the Vault along with your total Lifetime Dividends Earned.

Congratulations, you've just Staked your TORR! Enjoy the Dividends to come. You can harvest your divs at any time. Simply click the "Harvest" button and sign the transaction.

You may top up your stake at any time by clicking the (+) button in the "enter the vault" panel. Enter the number of TORR to stake and click deposit. Sign the transaction and wait for it to finalize.

Lastly, you can un stake your TORR at any time, simply by clicking the (-) button in the "enter the vault" panel. Enter the number of TORR to pull out and click withdraw. Sign the transaction and wait for it to finalize.

Last updated